Five days into a brand new year. Usually, I’m good with getting out an end-of-the-year bit written and out there. But, I found myself going over my journals over 2023, and realized, I really didn’t want to revisit it.

And so, here I am, revisiting it; at least, a condensed version. Because my brain won’t shut up about it.

So, first major thing, and right off the bat to kick off the new year back in January 2023, I had to get my left foot amputated. That was on January 13th, which was a Friday, because of course it was. There was an issue over six months prior where a tendon just gave out, so I was walking on the side of my foot, which caused an already backed-up cardiovascular system in my leg to stop up and, long story short, there was irreparable damage to the foot, and infection set in with the bones. So, now I have a stump where my foot once was.

In May, I got fitted for a prosthetic, so I can at least walk and stand somewhat normally. This was the first cast; I was told that the calf muscle was going to shrink considerably over the months, and so would need to get an updated cast made. Which, just happens to be this coming Wednesday, January 10th. Here’s hoping the better fit means less pain and frustration. It’s been an experience adjusting to walking again, this time with a ten pound piece of hardware stuck on my stump.

So then, yeah…the rest of the year has been an adventure in adjusting to my new reality. I spent the rest of January and a week of February in the hospital, at which time I had to spend in the ICU due to…well, complications. The doctors assured me that I wasn’t in a coma, per se, but all I remember is closing my eyes for a rest on Monday morning, and then waking up on Thursday afternoon. Same week, at least, but there were a couple of doctors and several nurses in the room with me when I did come to, along with my mom and sister. The doctors had that “Oh, good, we’re not gonna get sued,” look on their faces.

Then, I spent some time at the Madonna rehab center in West Omaha for a couple of weeks. Let me tell you, the food there is . Oh, and the physical and occupational therapy was intense. I had a wheelchair custom made for me (the chair pad is molded to my butt!), and had the preliminary talks with some prosthetic people, before I went back to the family farm.

Oh, also: after nearly 10 years, I’ve had to permanently move out of the Haunted Victorian. I still miss the place, really. All those books. Anyway…

Some good points to the year:

  • I got involved with a writing collective called the Owl Light Army, which also ties into…
  • We have launched a podcasting network, named the Owl Light Network; I host the B-Movie Review show called Tomb Of The Terrible, right now bi-weekly…it’s gaining some kind of fanbase, I’m told…I even have merch, somehow…
  • I’m continuing writing; the plan is to finish up the small handful of stories I’ve started, and ready them for publication…that would be neat…
  • as far as my faith goes, I’m more and more embracing what I call Post-Evangelical…which is my way of saying “I’m not ready to call myself Reformed”…but the more I read in Scripture, the more I see how both the Law and the Gospel cannot be separated, that I will never, never, never (ad Infinium) not need to hear the Gospel, how it’s instrumental in my salvation, and through which this ongoing sanctification is based upon…that was a mouthful…
  • also, finally, on December 31st, after over a year and a half, I shaved my beard off. This was a birthday gift for my mother, who really wanted to see my face again. So, I shaved it off for her. I’m growing it back, by the way…
  • also also, I turned 50…

Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have as far as remembering 2023. So far, 2024 has been a modicum better. Here’s to the new year…cheers…