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  • Not unique to Christianity
  • Tongues can be practiced in an ignorant, ungodly manner (1 Corinthians 13:1; 14:4,9)
  • If in public, an interpreter must always be present and must interpret (1 Corinthians 14:28)
  • It is FALSE that all believers should speak in tongues (1 Corinthians 12:29-30; 14:23)
  • Tongues were sign of judgment (1 Corinthians 14:20-22)
  • Tongues were known languages (Acts 2:5-12)


From Christianity and Liberalism…

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christianity-and-liberalismAccording to the Christian view, as set forth in the Bible, mankind is under the curse of God’s holy law, and the dreadful penalty includes the corruption of our whole nature. Actual transgressions proceed from the sinful root, and serve to deepen every man’s guilt in the sight of God. On the basis of that view, so profound, so true to the observed facts of life, it is obvious that nothing natural will meet our need. Nature transmits the dreadful taint; hope is to be sought only in a creative act of God.

And that creative act of God–so mysterious, so contrary to all expectation, yet so congruous with the character of the God who is revealed as the God of love–is found in the redeeming work of Christ. No product of sinful humanity could have redeemed humanity from the dreadful guilt or lifted a sinful race from the slough of sin. But a Saviour has come from God. There lies the very root of the Christian religion; there is the reason why the supernatural is the very ground and stubstance of the Christian faith. [Pg. 100 (Kindle Edition)]

Without the conviction of sin there can be no appreciation of the uniqueness of Jesus; it is only when we contrast our sinfulness with His holiness that we appreciate the gulf which separates Him from the rest of the children of men. And without the conviction of sin there can be no understanding of the occasion for the supernatural act of God; without the conviction of sin, the good news of redemption seems to be an idle tale. [Ibid]